Men ought to know the truth about penis size. Let’s look at up-to-date, accurate information about penis matters ranging from average penis sizes to penis enlargement. One subject that pops up when it comes to penis size – how happy are women with men’s sizes when it comes to long-term planning and family building. Since human peer bonding is more complex than that of other animals, sexual selection is also more complex.

One thing to remember is that humans have the largest penises among primates. So it is likely that for evolutionary reasons, a larger penis was more desirable in a mate at some stage of human development. Which is not necessarily relevant today.
Sexual Selection
What is sexual selection, let’s look it up in a biology textbook
Sexual selection is a natural selection arising through preference by one sex for certain characteristics in individuals of the other sex.
Biology textbook, UK Education Board
So what do women look for in partners?
- Good looks: Whilst attractiveness matters initially, it becomes less relevant for long-term relationships.
- Sense of humor: A potential mate appears more intelligent, emotionally closer, and more positive.
- Altruism and kindness: A potential mate who is more likely to look after her and her/their children.
- Status: Appearing better off, wealthier is attractive.
- Age: Women prefer older men because they have more time to acquire more resources.
- Being popular/ being less attainable: Being harder to get is not a turn-off.
- Being a leader: Whether having a loyal pet in form of a dog or teammates, leaders are attractive.
- Being mindful: good listeners, non-judgmental and attentive men are more desirable.
- Confidence: Similar to being a leader, confidence inspires attraction.
- Good health: Physique and being healthy generally is attractive.
- Height: A universally accepted trait that is associated with male attractiveness
- Deep voice: Usually correlated with male hormones, it is found attractive by women.
All of the points above are common sense, but for some reason wearing red is also more attractive. Overall the points above can be summarized as masculinity or manliness. However, that is a subjective view, moreover culturally speaking facial features and even the definition of a healthy male differ. So an attractive male in one culture may be unattractive in another.
Standards of beauty and attractiveness
Moreover, on an individual basis attractiveness is entirely subjective.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Ancient proverb
My experience of beauty being subjective happened on a holiday with three buddies. We sat at a fast food restaurant in a diverse Eastern county and four ladies sat on the other side of the hall. Blonde, brunette, mixed race, and an exotic local appeared in front of us, looking very distinct from one another. The four of us, a mix of gentlemen from varying backgrounds discussed beauty and naturally the chat progressed to which lady attracted us the most out of the four pretty ladies in front of us.
What was surprising is that each of us picked a different girl, whom he regarded as an epitome of beauty, whilst appreciating the prettiness of the other three, but was not attracted to those girls.
We should have really got up and introduced ourselves to those girls, but we were idiots and constantly on the move. This meeting, however, proved a valuable lesson:
There is someone out there for everyone. Diversity is beautiful by default.
Conclusion after a night out.
Penis size and sexual attraction
So what about penis size? Whilst relevant to sexual satisfaction, penis size plays a less significant role than other factors. Penis size which may or may not be instrumental in achieving orgasm in females
It is important to understand three distinct facts about sex and relationships.
1. Sex is important in a relationship, however it plays a less important role in matured relationships, or as time goes on.
2. Sexual pleasure derives from physical intimacy and emotional intimacy, penis size is irrelevant to the latter.
3. Physical intimacy, in regards to sexual pleasure, is a complex process, however, it is known that lesbian couples are more likely to achieve orgasm than heterosexual couples (so penis even in that regard is not necessarily a bonus when the goal is to reach orgasm).

Human sexual selection
The sexual selection concept arises from the observation that many animals including humans develop features whose function is not to help individuals survive, but help them to maximize their reproductive success.
The sexual selection presents in species in two different ways: by making self attractive to the opposite sex (intersexual selection, between the sexes); or by intimidating, deterring, or defeating same-sex rivals (intrasexual selection, within a given sex).
We are all familiar with the concept of “alpha males” and how they get all the chicks. The German anthropologist Ferdinand Fellman argues that the emergence of human self-consciousness is due to an extended sexual selection, termed “emotional selection”, bridging the gap between animal sexual behavior and human erotic love.
Even the human language may have derived to be more complex than other primate languages due to the romantic needs of the individuals through sexual display. It is not uncommon in the animal kingdom for some species to share sexual displays with humans, where the trait itself is not strictly sexual. Birds for example sing to attract a mate and humans value voice in matters of sexual selection.
Darwinists believe that the human brain itself, it being so ‘unnecessarily’ big and expensive to maintain in terms of survival shows that it is itself a sexual trait. Since humans are social beings, often the traits that are valued by the female are those that make men stand out in the social sense. Authority, respect, wealth, and power are often thought to be correlated with what the female looks for in a mate.
The intellect itself is seen as a byproduct of sexual selection.
A theory on development of sexual attraction
The human female and male sexual physiology
Sexual selection is a complex process
Evolutionary speaking, penis size, large or small gives no significant advantage or disadvantage to the male. The human sperm can live up to seven days and travel after ejaculation to reach the egg of the female for the process of reproduction.
When it comes to penis size though everything is less clear. Due to the physiology of the male human body, the penis and the ballsack is visible, and in ancient history, it was on full display. So erections, most likely, were common and visible.
The evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins has put forward the idea that the loss of the penis bone in humans, which is present in other primates, may also be due to sexual selection by females who are seeking clear signs of indicators of good health in prospective mates. Since a human erection is easily attainable and readily displayed (in part due to human upright posture), a penis relies on a hydraulic pumping system to reach an erection, whilst an erection failure or inability to reach a full erection is a sensitive early warning of certain kinds of physical and mental ill-health and an indicator of a male’s lack of fitness.
This remains true today, as many men suffer from erectile dysfunction primarily as a result of a bad diet, lack of exercise, and unnecessary stressful life. A large penis may have some negative impact on female health due to possible rips and tears, especially at the cervix, which may cause all types of conditions from bladder diseases to urinary infections. Furthermore, a larger penis requires better-functioning blood circulation leading to some erections of large penises being softer and shorter in duration.
Penis size is attractive but not necessarily important in long-term sexual selection
When it comes to physiology, the aforementioned Ferdinand Fellman had put forward a slightly modified model of “emotional selection” compared to the traditional Darwinian model of “sexual selection” for humans, as the center point of human evolution of consciousness (which brought about complex emotions).

Part of the survival edge is due to a rare ability of humans to find mates for the long term, which allows humans and females, in particular, to have feelings and feelings about feelings, therefore driving the proposed means of human intelligence and consciousness. Another proposed idea is that with a long-term mate, a being can save energy from the competition in the future mating seasons and use that energy to provide for the offspring instead.
There is a difference between attractiveness and looking for a long-term mate. Whilst studies in various countries have indicated that women prefer men with penises that are longer and thicker, there is no evidence to suggest that when looking for a mate penis size matters. However, since human penis size in relation to their body size is the largest compared to any primate it may suggest it had played a role in sexual selection in some way. The attractiveness of a male in itself is a co physical, psychological and social traits, and characteristics, so penis size on its own is of very little importance when it comes to selecting males.
Penis size helps but it’s not the most important characteristic of a mate
Is penis size important for other primates?
The average penis length of the Silverback Highland Gorilla is ~2.5 inches. They seem to be able to hold on to a few females, do the job half the time and are about twice as muscular or “manly” as the most muscular manly men. One can admire the balls of the researcher who took the measurements.
Conclusion: Penis size and sexual selection
Practically speaking penis sizes don’t come into it and when looking for a mate human females will prefer a confident, socially adept male which can get an erection rather than a social donkey even when he’s got a big floppy dick. Moreover, on average women in the West report approximately 8 to 15 sexual partners in their lifetime, including one-night stands, whilst men report more, which is considered an exaggeration.
At that time it is unlikely that a female can actively select a mate based on penis size since the majority of men come within range of average. In reality, it’s a combination of other factors that contribute to the process of sexual selection rather than penis size.
In terms of sexual selection, it is understood that women place more importance on some physical characteristics such as height and hip-to-shoulder ratio, and social characteristics such as status, wealth, and kindness.
So the chances of finding a long-term mate for a male with a small penis is about the same as that of someone with a large dong.